Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Children With Special Needs Children - 1634 Words

â€Å"She looks so normal†, this is a typical response that a mother often hears about her child with special needs. â€Å"Special† is a term that is described as â€Å"different†. Some people may look at a child with special needs and feel sympathy while others lack the knowledge. For my child development class, I was assigned to conduct an interview with a mother who has a special needs child. I was one of the many that lack knowledge of special needs children because I did not know what this mother had to face. While doing this interview I have learned that it takes a special person to take care of a special child. This child has a disease called NOMID, which stands for neonatal onset multisystem inflammatory disease, this disease causes inflammation and tissue damage affecting the nervous system, skin, and joint. This interview has taught me that some parents will face many difficulties while raising a special needs child, but they will do whatever it takes t o help the child overcome challenges that they may face everyday. On January 20, 2016 I interviewed Jasmine, a good friend of mine about her daughter Emily that has special needs. She discussed the many challenges she has had to face. This interview took place in Victorville, where she lives with her husband and Emily, for about two hours long. Jasmine and I were the only two people in the house while this interview was taking place, allowing her to express herself more comfortably with me. Jasmine also has two older daughters,Show MoreRelatedChildren With Special Needs For Children1842 Words   |  8 PagesChildren with special needs require much care and a lot of their parent’s attention. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Management Accounting A Portion Of The Total Information...

1a. Management Accounting is a portion of the total information system in a business or an organization. (p.22) Management accounting as well as other forms of accounting is concerned with the collecting and analysing financial information and then communicating the information to the people in charge of the decision-making. (p.16) Its features are the identification, recording, analysis and reporting of information. Its role is to provide the information to those making decisions, usually the managers of the business. The information gathered will help managers with their decisions. Management Accounting will help managers to take effective decision in four broad areas: developing long term plans and strategies, performance evaluation and control, allocating resources and determining costs and benefits. An example of this is when managers are about to take decisions concerning the allocation of scare economic resources. In this case, the managers want to reduce costs in the business and by using the information from management accounting they will be able to take effective decisions to reduce the costs in the business by allocating their resources in an efficient way. (p.22-25) By using the information from management accounting they will be able to base their decisions on concrete economic information from the business. 1b. The two parts of accounting are Management accounting and Financial accounting. The difference among the two is based on user groups to whichShow MoreRelatedManagement Accounting For Costs And Control1370 Words   |  6 Pages ACC512 Management Accounting for Costs Control Assessment Item 1 Midhun Ramachandran Student ID: 11594000 Class: Wednesday 9am-12pm Lecture - Dhanushka Wijayakantha â€Æ' Answer 1- Management accounting The three elements that drive or influence management accounting work are: Compliance- It refers to the need to fulfil both external regulations as well as reporting requirements. Accounting personnel’s need to furnish proper recognition of expenses and revenues, and estimate assets andRead MoreAuerbach Enterprises Manufacturers1160 Words   |  5 PagesEnterprises Manufacturers Moses Parker BUS 630: Managerial Accounting Prof. Brian Shaw February 24, 2015 AUERBACH ENTERPRISES 2 Auerbch Enterprises Manufacturers In today’s very competitive business environment, it is imperative that organizations choose the most appropriate and effective overhead rate, particularly, because it guides management in its tasks of product pricing, job costing, and budgetingRead MoreWestern Dialysis Clinic1652 Words   |  7 PagesAdvanced Management Accounting, R. S. Kaplan, A. A. Atkinson, International Edition, Third Edition, Prentice Hall International, Inc, 1998 p. 116. Answer all four requirements of the case study. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Swot Analysis to Cadbury Essay Example For Students

The Swot Analysis to Cadbury Essay | | |SWOT and PEST analysis on Cadbury PLC | | | | | Miaozhen Group : C Registration NO: 090243079 Module :FC009 Tutor :LIULU 16/07/2010 Word account: 1560 Abstract This report aims to answer the research questions that I have asked with analysis the Cadbury PLC by using the SWOT and PEST method. There are six parts in my report. In the introduction, I introduce the background and history of Cadbury, and raise the research questions. I explain the concept of business environment, SWOT and PEST method in the literature review. Then I give analysis the Cadbury PLC by using the SWOT and PEST. I list both the internal and external environment of Cadbury. We can easily know the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats of Cadbury. We are clear about the political, social, economical, technological impacts of Cadbury. Then there is a discussion which talks about Cadbury’s market share and its productions. In the conclusion, I will answer the research questions, and give some of my opinions to solve these problems. Table of contents 1. Introduction1 2. Literature Review1 2. 1The concept and content of business environment1 2. 2The concept and application of PEST analysis1 2. 3 The concept and application of SWOT analysis1 3. SWOT and PEST analysis on Cadbury PLC2 3. 1SWOT Analysis2 3. PEST Analysis2 4. Production and Market Share Analysis and Discussion3 4. 1Production analysis and discussion3 5. Conclusion4 6. Reference4 1. Introduction Cadbury is a British confectionery company. It is famous for producing very good confectionery and soft drink. Cadbury was founded almost 200 years ago. And it was started by John Cadbury in 1824 with producing tea, coffee and drinking chocolate by himself. It was just a very shop during 1820 to 1860. From 1861 to 1940, Cadbury produced many new kinds of chocolate and soft drink, which were very popular in public. It became more and more famous with the launch of its production. Cadbury go strength to strength these years and became one of the biggest brands in UK. As we all know, although it is one of the biggest confectionery companies in the world, Cadbury also has many weaknesses and threats, which are not helpful to its development. This report aim to analysis three questions: What are the reasons for Cadbury’s weaknesses and threats? How does Cadbury make good use of its strengths and opportunities? What should Cadbury do to solve its problems and become better? I will answer these three questions in the report by using SWOT and PEST analysis. I collected the datum and sources from Cadbury’s official website. Besides, I have read some report and news which are related to the history and development of Cadbury. They provided many useful evidences so that I can get the answers of my research questions. 2. Literature Review 1. The concept and content of business environment Business environment is important for running business. It includes both internal and external impacts. We analysis business environment in such as its nature, location, price of products and so on. And we should also know the socio-cultural aspects, the political framework, the legal aspects and the technological aspects. All of these aspects, we call them business environment. 2. The concept and application of PEST analysis We analysis a company’s external environment in four factors: political factor, economic factor, social factor and technological factor. We call this method PEST analysis. 2. 3 The concept and application of SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats of a company. With SWOT analysis, we can clearly get that what problems does a company has. What should a company do to solve the problems. They can more about its internal environment which may have effect on its business. 3. SWOT and PEST analysis on Cadbury PLC 1. SWOT Analysis |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Cadbury is the largest global confectionery company. Cadbury just produce confectionery and soft drink while its | |Cadbury has more than 9. 9% market share around the |competitor such as Nestle has many kinds of products. (case4)| |world. (case3) |High production cost | |They have a high financial strength. In 1997 its sales turnover|Cadbury is traditional in Europe, but its competitor Nestle | |is ? 7971. 4 million and it was almost 10% of all sales around |has greater international experience. | |the world. | |The confectionery, especial the chocolate that Cadbury produce | | |is very famous in the world. | | |Opportunities |Threats | |Market share in almost every country around the world. |Cadbury’s transportation cost is increasing. | |Cadbury’s soft drink is the leader in the market. The increasing internal taxes are also a big problem. | |They believe that innovation is very important. They produced |Cadbury’s competitor such as Nestle is still striving for | |many new products in the past years. |market leadership. (case4) | 3. 2 PEST Analysis |Political |Economical | |More and more people have awareness of food safety. |Cadbury launched a new chocolate bar when the world economic| |Any changes in laws and regulations may have effect on Cadbury. is relatively good. | |Cadbury should always follow the laws. For example, they cannot |The market share of Cadbury in confectionery is growing. It | |employ children or pay under minimum wage. |often sales well all around the world. | |Social |Technological | |More people prefer to eat healthy and cut down on soft drinks |High technology machines help Cadbury to produce more | |because of they want to keep a good figure. |production. |People like chocolate because of its good taste and famous brand. |Medias also help Cadbury a lot. Such as internet, | | |television. They make the advertisement more cheaper and | | |easier. | Case1. In 2009 Cadbury replaced some of the cocoa butter in their non-UK chocolate products with palm oil. Despite stating this was a response to consumer demand to improve taste and texture, there was no new improved recipe claim placed on New Zealand labels. .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 , .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 .postImageUrl , .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 , .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2:hover , .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2:visited , .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2:active { border:0!important; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2:active , .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2 .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9437fe3336c8cd6dcc60791fdcd76ef2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Loyalty To Family In The Short Story barn Burning EssayConsumer backlash was significant from environmentalists and chocolate lovers. Case2. To respond to changes in consumer tastes and preferences – more people prefer food with lower calories. RD and product launches have led to sugar-free and center filled chewing gum varieties and Cadbury premium indulgence treat. Low-fat, organic and natural confectionery demand increases a lot. Case3. BOURN-VITA was launched in the UK in 1932 and subsequently launched in India in 1948. The year Cadbury-Fry (India) was founded as a private limited company. It was then launched in Nigeria in 1960. It has a market share of 17% in India. And it is Cadbury Nigeria’s flagship brand. Case4. Nestle has said that current economic conditions would not affected on them and its share in UK confectionery market rise to 15. 65 with a 0. 5% growth this year. Kit Kat sales are up 18 per cent this year, in a national confectionery market which has grown by three per cent in the year to date. This still leaves Nestle in third position in the UK market behind bestselling Cadbury and Mars. 4. Production and Market Share Analysis and Discussion 1. Production analysis and discussion As we all know, Cadbury just produce confectionery, and it is famous for its chocolate. They just focus on this kind of production. It is helpful to make Cadbury more famous in confectionery market. Many companies just focus on one product when it was not very large. Because in the preliminary stage , the most important thing is to enlarge its market share. Cadbury did very good in it. It successfully enlarged its market share in many countries. But it also has many disadvantages. It is not helpful for Cadbury to be the leader in the market. Various productions may abstract more customers, and the company can get more profit and bring a dramatic growth. 4. 2 Market share analysis and discussion Cadbury just produced confectionery when it was a shop. It had no or small market share at the very beginning. But several years later, its chocolate and soft drink became famous and popular in public, and many liked its nice taste. Then Cadbury began to enlarge its market share. After launching its new kind of chocolate in 1932 in UK, Cadbury had a very large market. It has focused on confectionery for more than 200 years. But its competitors do something better than Cadbury. They also have very large market share. Nowadays, Cadbury’s market share is still on a level without development. The biggest problem is they don’t have more customers. 5. Conclusion With clear analysis on Cadbury, we know its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. And we are clear about the political, social, economical, technological impacts of Cadbury. Now we can get the answers of my research questions. Firstly, what are the reasons for Cadbury’s weaknesses and threats? Cadbury‘s single production structure is a big problem. The most important reason is its market share. Absolutely, it makes up great percentage of all market share, but it is not the only leader in confectionery market. They are just satisfied with this market share level. It is not necessary for Cadbury to enlarge its market share or do much competition with other companies. Secondly, how does Cadbury make good use of its strengths and opportunities? Cadbury has produced many kinds of chocolate bars, and most people like them so much. Its confectionery is very popular. So they can produce more traditional taste chocolate with producing new productions. They should enlarge their customer group and make more people be interested in them. At last, in my opinion, they should produce something others except confectionery. It is helpful to get more customers and more profit. They can also try to produce different tastes chocolate in different areas, because it is impossible for different people to have the same taste. 6. Reference 1. http://www. businessteacher. org. uk/business-resources/swot-analysis-database/cadbury-swot-analysis/#_ftn1 2. ttp://www. cadbury. com/ourbrands/otherfavouritebrands/chocolate/Pages/Bournvita2. aspx 3. http://www. foodanddrinkeurope. com/Financial/Nestle-market-share-growing-despite-economic-downturn 4. http://www. cadbury. co. uk/cadburyandchocolate/ourstory/Pages/ourstoryFlash. aspx 5. http://www. cadburyinvestors. com/cadbury_ir/report/ 6. http://www. cadbury. com/pages/kraft. aspx? url=http://www. kraftfoodscompany. com/ about/index. aspx 7. http://www. cadbury. com/ourbrands/Pages/Ourbrand. aspx 1 2 3 4 5

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Inspiration of Music! free essay sample

I thought I would never get anywhere until my aunt made me practice hard and made me become better. â€Å"Drop your jaw and open up your mouth,† my aunt instructed me when I was learning my first solo for choir. I never sang out or asked questions in 6th grade. Now that I have been in choir for 7 years I have learned to sing out more and to be who I am. Acting like a little kid hiding behind their mom only I was hiding behind myself.I was afraid of people judging me if I sang the wrong note. I now know that if I sing out I can get corrected on things I am doing wrong. Not only is singing a hobby it is also a chosen lifestyle by almost thousands of people. Everyone can sing, but the ones who choose to learn how to use it become great. We will write a custom essay sample on The Inspiration of Music! or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If I had never heard my aunt singing all those years ago from the time I was 4 to even now I probably would have never started singing. Singing is meaningful to me because it can lift up my spirits when I am down and at some points it just makes me happier. Music brings a certain understanding between languages. Songs come in many different languages and it connects us all. I remember when I was told, â€Å"Caitlyn you have a lovely voice. Sing out,† by my choir teacher Mrs. Hope. It gave me the confidence to practice and to better myself for the future. Being part of a choir or just singing solo is a great and wonderful way to become comfortable with who you are. Learning and knowing how to sing are two different things. Learning is getting to know the basics. Such as sight reading, solfedging and learning how to find DO. Knowing is already having that knowledge of how to portray these things. With the knowledge of key signatures one can identify how many beats per measure a nd what note gets the beat. Being able to sight read helps out the singer tremendously when learning a new song quickly and more efficiently. I love sight reading because I just love the way the notes dance around in my head before i release them from my lips. Just hearing others sing makes me want to automatically join in. Most of the time I sing because I want to not because I have to. When singing songs for class I fall in love with the notes and the way the harmonies and melodies just fit together like glorious puzzle pieces. Just the way voices fill up a room when people open up their mouths to let the wonderful, blissful sound of their voices ring down the hall. For me I love singing a song with a meaning behind it. A song with meaning to it is a way for the reader to connect to the composer. Connecting through music is one of the strongest bonds anyone can have to another. Like i have said before, singing brings me my happiness. Without singing I would most likely still be that shy little girl I was 6 years ago. Never coming forward or asking questions. Singing can change you. I know it has changed me in many different ways. It has changed me physically by helping me become more open and expressive. Whenever I sing all of my emotions just seem to melt away like snow. My mind, I believe, has become stronger and more focussed. From singing I have learned that sometimes it is great to just be loud and proud of who you are and what you do.